Gross, Johann Georg (praes.); Mylius, Johann Jacobus (resp.): Papanae opinionis, de locali animae Christi ad inferos descensu, refutatio, ad publicam [Greek letters] symbibasin a Ioh. Georgio Grossio S. Theologiae doctore proposita. Interrogantibus respondebit [Greek letters] syn Theô, Joh. Jacobus Mylius Bipont. Die V. Maji, loco horisque solitis, duab. videl. matutinis IX. & X. Basileae [Basel], typis Iohan. Jacobi Genathii 1614.
Theological dissertation at the university of Basel, the student defends a condemnation of the doctrine of Catholics (and others), that after the Crucifixion, Christ descended into Hell.
4to., pp. [8]. Woodcut border to title-page, woodcut head-piece and initial, further minor woodcut decoration. Very light spotting, a good copy, disbound.
Not in VD 17. OCLC (2010) shows copies at Basel, Zurich, St. Gallen and Tübingen.