Rikel, Denis: De la Vie et des Moeurs des Chanoines [...] Traduit du Latin, par M. l'abbé de Mery, prêtre et licencié en théologie. A Louvain, et se trouve à Paris, chez Guillaume Desprez [...] 1761.
French translation of the work of the Carthusian monk and prolific writer Denis Rikel (Dionysius Carthusianus) (1402-1471) on the correct behaviour of clerics, which includes chapters (VIII) on how they should not engage in commerce, and (IX) should avoid comedians and games of dice and chance.
12mo., pp. xxiv 219 [1]. Very small neat tape-repair on verso of half-title, otherwise a very good copy, bound in modern marbled boards, red morocco gilt label.
Outside France, Dayton Art Institute and Harvard Divinity School only on OCLC FirstSearch (2009).