[Ravaillac, François]: Supplicio morte et ignominioso fine, dell’ inhumano parricida, & disnaturato Francesco Rauaillard; giustitiato in Parigi alli 27. Maggio 1610. Conforme all’ originale, stampato in Lione da Iona Galterino, con approuaazione. Con licenza de’ superiori. In Venezia, ad instanza di Iseppo Marcello. 1610.
Italian translation of the ‘Supplice, mort, et fin ignominieuse du parricide inhumain, & desnaturé François Ravallat [sic] executé à Paris le 27 may 1610’ (Lyon, Jonas Gautherin 1610) - an account of the gruesome execution of the regicide François Ravaillac (1578-1610). The frontispiece portrait is a different version of the famous print by Crispijn de Passe the Elder (Hollstein 812). Interestingly, the British Library’s copy of this pamphlet (C.83.b.22.(7.)) - which is the only other one located - has other prints at front (a quite different portrait of Ravaillac and an execution scene).
Pamphlet, 20.7 cms. x 15 cms., pp. [4] + intaglio frontispiece portrait. Woodcut vignette to title-page. Slight soiling, very good, historically sewn into a fine old printed wrapper (repaired). Contemporary MS notation in a small hand to bottom margin of frontispiece. To verso (blank) of same, rust mark.
Not in SBN catalogue. OCLC locates this at BL only.