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[Water] Suter, Jacob Anton: Dissertatio medica de natura et viribus aquae mineralis in Republica Suitensium detectae. Auctore Jacobo Antonio Suter, Med. Doct. & Academ. C.R.J. Med. Chirurg. Vindob. A. Lucernae [Lucerne], sumptibus Auctoris & typis Js. Aloysii Salzmann 1794.
Unopened copy of a rare medical dissertation on the powers of a spring, the “aqua Ibergensis”, likely located in Iberg, Winterthur, Switzerland. The author recounts a trip to the water source in 1792, and includes (70 to end) a good section of case-studies of the water’s cures.
8vo., pp. 102 [2]. Unopened, bound in contemporary beige marbled paste-paper wrappers.
Five copies on OCLC (01/18) - all Swiss.