Pistorozzi, Giacomo: Ragionamento sul diritto de' sacri asili dell' abate Giacomo Pistorozzi, sacerdote Bolognese, in risposta al discorso dell' asilo ecclesiastico, stampato in Firenze l'anno MDCCLXIII. In Roma, nella stamperia di Generoso Salamoni 1766.
Response to the Discorso sopra l'asilo ecclesiastico of Pompeo Neri (1763), a work hostile to the right of church asylum. The author uses legal, classical, and patristic and church-historical sources to defend ancient church powers of asylum, in the process engaging with the movement against ecclesiastical asylum from particularly the sixteenth century.
First edition. 4to., pp. [12] 228. Bound without errata leaf, with the corrections found on the errata added immaculately in contemporary MS. Title-page vignette, tail-piece, small initials. Fine small pictorial head-piece to p. 1, signed Ign.o Lucchesini. Light foxing, slight loosening to text-block, a good copy in contemporary cat's paw sheep, spine gilt with red morocco gilt label (rubbed, slightly worn and worming at head and tail of spine, but sound), marbled pastedowns, edges mottled red. Stamps of Bibl. Coll. Univ. Antonianum, early MS shelfmark to f.f.e.p. recto.
Cf. SBN: IT\ICCU\RAVE\006682.