Vrancx, Columbanus: Vervolg op de nieuw-kost, of verandering van spys; in een seer oude tyd beschreeven en naagelaten door den Heer Columbanus Vrancx, licentiaat in de Godheid; mitsgaders Abt van St. Pieters Klooster, geleegen digt by de Stad Gent; handelende van veelderhande verschyningen van overleeden menschen na hun dood; alsmede hunne saamenspraaken, gehouden met sommige leevendige personagien, en bekende familien, soo en ‘sHertogenbos, Tertholen, en andere plaatsen, &c. &c; met figuuren en annotstien. Leyden, J: du Vivier 1728.
Ornately bound second part to a title called Nieuwe Kost (1727), this is an illustrated collection of encounters with ghosts. Pages 7 to 12 are the account of a supernatural experience of a young girl. Pages 39 to 94 concern the experiences of women religious. Cornelis Columbanus Vrancx (1530-1615), who assembled and retold these stories, was abbot of St Peter’s monastery in Ghent.
First illustrated edition. Part two of two. One volume, 18.4 cms. x 11.9 cms., octavo, pp. [8] 180 [2]. Title in red and black, eight part-page intaglio illustrations. Light or medium browning, bound in contemporary marbled goatskin, spine, sides and covers decorated in gilt, red morocco gilt label, edges mottled red (binding rubbed, slight wear, cracking to joints, slight loss at headpiece and a very small tear in leather at spine, binding good).
See STCN 176937447.