[Real Orden de Carlos III]: Instruccion á que han de arreglarse la pruebas de los sugetos que han de ser admitidos por caballeros de la real orden de Carlos Tercero, aprobada y mandada observar por el rey nuestro señor. De orden superior. Reimpresa en Madrid en la imprenta real año de 1823.
Copy in original marbled wrappers of a scarce reprint of an instructive pamphlet detailing the requirements for admission to the Real Orden de Carlos Tercero (Royal Order of Carlos III). Particularly notable is the large folding-out diagram depicting a schematic family tree. Applicants are advised to provide documentary proof of their Christianity and legitimacy, and that of their ancestors—all compiled into a single foliated volume (un solo volúmen foliado; p. 17). The Real Orden was established in 1771 as an order of chivalry with two classes: las Grandes Cruces and las Pensionadas. The Instruccion was first printed in 1787, with a second edition following in 1804. This reprint of the second edition was produced in 1823. Palau records three later editions (1826, 1831, and 1838).
One volume, 24.3 x 17.2 cms in wrappers, quarto(?), pp. 19 [1] + folding-out diagram (woodcut with letterpress) depicting schematic family tree (34.5 x 46.5 cms). Bound in blue marbled paper wrappers. Modern pencil notes to inside of diagram. Condition (textblock): light browning, one small tear to blank inner margin of folding plate. Condition (binding): light spotting and fading to marbled paper wrappers, small tears to spine and slight loss to one corner.
Not in CCPB or Palau, though cf. CCPB000350563-4 and Palau 120429 for the 1804 edition.
OCLC shows one copy of the 1823 reprint worldwide (Universidad San Pablo). Outside mainland Europe and South America, OCLC shows copies of the 1787 edition at Yale, the Huntington Library, Washington State University, and Harvard Law Library, and copies of the 1804 edition at the British Library and University of London Library.