[Physics] 3a philosophiae pars, seu phisica. [Preceded by: 4a philosophiae pars, seu moralis]. [France] 1748. [End of vol. 2: Finis totius phisicae, anno dni 1748, die 17 Maii].
A long set of lecture notes - stretching over two volumes and nearly 889 pages (some mispaginations make this number inaccurate) - on a broad French mid-18th-century academic course in physics. Prior to this, the first volume contains a complete series of notes by the same student on moral philosophy. Subjects of the physics notes range from astronomy to colours, the weather and the human body. Subjects in this last part include (758-762) preparation of food, and (817-825) sleep, fantasy and memory. Scholars discussed include René Descartes (69; for Cartesian laws of motion see 155-165; for his views on the creation of the world see 212-223; see also 257-8; 262-3; 299; 305; 328; 364; 365; 368; 752; 762); Isaac Newton (see 223-234 (Newtonian astronomy); 258; 482-486 (Newtonian colour theory); 368); and the anatomist Daniel Tauvry (1669-1701)) (762-763).
The lecturer approves of Newton! At the end of the section on Newtonian astronomy, the notes state: "From all these things it is therefore gathered that the Newtonian system is sufficient for explaining celestial phenomena, both physical and mechanical". Besides some illustrative diagrams, the manuscript is enlivened by two large orange crayon doodles of faces in profile at end of vol. I.
Manuscript, 21.9 cms. x 17.9 cms. in binding, two volumes. Vol. I: pp. 204, [2] (blank), 1-93, 95-306, 311-392 [6]; vol. II: [1] 393-403, 406-565, 567-757, 757[bis.]-889. Vol. I with illustrations: at foot of page, 238 and 240 (both shaved), at centre-page, 244, and 5 pp. full-page diagrams (versos of leaves blank) of planetary systems and (one page) sun-shadows at end of vol. (all in ink except for that of the sun-shadows which also uses crayon). Light or medium browning, occasional ink stains, occasional shaving (see e.g. above), bound in green-stained vellum, all edges red, label of red goatskin (chipped), stamped in gilt, to vol. II (a label to vol. I has fallen off), all edges red (bindings somewhat rubbed and worn with top covers slightly sprung, head of vol. I chipped, cracking to top joints).
Provenance: inscription to front free endpaper recto. vol. I (mostly blocked out); inscription in red crayon to end of vol. I: "Monsieur l'abbé Lavelle de Latappy". Owner has also doodled in crayon two faces in profile at end of vol. I.