[Pizzi, Gioacchino:] Per la statuetta di bronzo rappresentante un nobil fanciullo etrusco della famiglia Veluma, ritrovata nella campagna della città Tarquinia presso Corneto, e donata alla santità di nostro signore Clemente XIV ad ornamento del Museo Vaticano, da Monsignore illustrissimo e reverendissimo Francesco Carrara, lugogotenente dell' A.C. [Bound with:] [id.:] La fortuna. Canto di Gioacchino Pizzi Romano, pro-custode generale d'Arcadia ed accademico del disegno in San Luca. Recitate nel Camdigoglio in lode delle belle arti, perl solenne concorso, dell' anno MDCCLXXI [bound with:] [id:] A Monsignore D. Ferdinando Spinelli, chierico della Rev. Cam. Apost. e Presidente della Grascia pel suo felice ristabilimento in salute, versi sciolti di Gioacchino Pizzi Romano, pro-custode generale di Arcadia. In Roma [Rome], per il Casaletti 1771 [1771] [1772].
Three rare or unlocated publications of poetry by Gioacchino Pizzi, a successful librettist, who (along with his contemporary, the librettist Pietro Metastasio) was a member of the Accademia dell' Arcadia (the poets' academy), and, as well, the Roman artists' academy, the Accademia di San Luca. Two of his works here are on artistic subjects: the first on an Etruscan bronze statuette that had been given to the Pope, Clement XIV, while the second is a poem in praise of the fine arts, delivered in Rome, on the Campidoglio. The third piece is a celebration of the recovery of health of a papal official, one Monsignor Ferdinando Spinelli. The dedication to Pizzi's celebration of the fine arts includes reference to Jean-Baptiste Rousseau.
3 works bound together, 4to., pp. [4]; XVI; VIII. Engraved vignette to first two works, depicting respectively the statuette discussed and a cameo. Very good copies, bound in modern painted wrappers. MS numerations, indicating they were part of a larger volume.
1st work: not in OCLC; two copies on ICCU - Cremona and Rimini (01/18). 2nd: not in OCLC, but three copies on ICCU (Cremona, Casale Monferrato and Viterbo) (01/18). 3rd: not in OCLC, one copy on ICCU (Cremona) (01/18).