[Lisbon earthquake] Rühlen, J.H.: Gesammlete nachrichten von dem erdbeben der stadt Lissabon und anderer orte; nebst einer geistlichen betrachtung über diese materie heraus gegeben von J.H.R. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1756. + [Besondere gedanken]: Besondere gedanken, aus der höhen natur-lehre, und prophetischen Gottesgelehrsamkeit, übers neuliche starke erdbeben. Stockholm, 1756. + [Beschreibung]: Beschreibung des erdbebens, welches die hauptstadt Lissabon und viele andere Städte in Portugall und Spanien theils ganz umgeworfe, theils sehr beschädigt hat. Mit kupfern. [I] Erstes [[II] zweytes] [[III] drittes] stück. Danzig, zu finden bey Johann Christian Schuster, 1756. + [Kurzverfaste beschreibung]: Kurzverfaste beschreibung der vortreflichen, mächtigen und reichen haupt- und residenz-stadt Lissabon im königreich Portugall. Nebst einer ausführlichen nachricht, tvie solche den ersten November 1755. durch ein erschreckliches erdbeben verdebet worden. Mit zweyen kupfern, welche vorstellen, wie die stadt in ihrem flor gestaltet war, und wie sie gegenwärtig in den ruinen liegt. Frankfurt und Leipzig, 1756.
Attractive sammelband of rare contemporary northern European works (from Frankfurt and Leipzig, Stockholm and Gdańsk), all on the cataclysmic Lisbon earthquake of 1 November 1755. Five plates overall are found in the last four works, and comprise a view of (pre-earthquake) Lisbon from the other side of the river Tagus (signed Schmidt, Berlin); a large elevated view of the city (designed to function both as vista and streetmap); a cross-section of planet earth, showing subterranean lava flows, with marked on the surface of the earth, Lisbon, Faro, and Africa, the illustration also showing, at the surface, seas, and two active volcanoes; another view of the city from over the water; and the same view of the city in the midst of earthquake and tsunami. The cross-section of the earth is after a famous plate in the Mundus subterraneus (1665) of Athanasius Kircher. Discussions range from the factual, geographical and international news-related, to the scientific, to the theological. No copies of any of the publications are located outside Europe.
One volume, 21.7 cms. x 17.9 cms. in binding, quarto, six works, pp. 92; [14] 57 [1]; 32; 48; 31 [1]; 19 [1]. With five plates (the penultimate three works each with one fold-out plate and the final work with two plates). Fraktur type, typographical decoration, woodcut head- and tail-pieces, factotum initials. Light browning, fine copies bound in 18th-cent. speckled half-sheep and boards, edges speckled red, endpapers from time of binding (a spine label of brown goatskin gilt possibly, however, added recently). Binding slightly scratched with slight worming to surface. Provenance: old shelf labels to spine.
Rühlen: OCLC shows copies at Bayerische Staatsbibliothek; Royal Library, Sweden; Biblioteka Naukowa, Kraków.
Besondere gedanken: OCLC shows copies at British Library; Danish Royal Library; University of Heidelberg.
Beschreibung I-III: OCLC shows seven copies in Germany (apparently only six of Beschreibung III); outside, copies at Netherlands Royal Library; Amsterdam Free University; and Royal Library, Sweden.
Kurzverfaste beschreibung: OCLC shows four locations in Germany; copies outside at Lucian Blaga Central University Library, Romania; Amsterdam Free University; Basel University.