Rosenfeld, Johann Wolfgang: De summa principum Germanicorum potestate. Ubi de regimine principatuum Germanicorum, ut & juribus Statuum provincialium plurima, incidenter vero de Statu Imperii Germanici ex fundamentis Historico-Politicis novissime nonnulla disserit. [] 1669.
Treatise on the Holy Roman Empire, examining powers of the princes, the bishops and the emperor himself, it emulates Pufendorf's controversial De statu imperii Germanici liber unus of two years before, and indeed Pufendorf, or rather his pseudonym in the work, Severinus de Monzambano, is cited in the introduction, as is Aristotelian and Grotian thinking, which was Pufendorf's background.
Shorter of two editions from first year of printing (the other has fols. [1], pp. 276 [recte 274]). 12mo., pp. [12] 192. Engraved extra title-page. Touch of soiling, first few leaves touch frayed at edges, bound in contemporary vellum boards, edges mottled blue, single wormhole to spine. Early stamp of Oroste de Senlen.
VD17 12:19869L.